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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/08/26 10:17:16  字体:













  With continuing uncertainty in the markets and escalating concerns about the global economic outlook, what policy measures might China take in the event of a double-dip recession in the US or Europe?


  During the downturn of 2008-09, China stood out as the bright spot, contributing to over 50 percent of global growth in 2009 as spending on stimulus-related infrastructure projects got under way. Chinese growth has gradually become less reliant on the contribution of trade, while the proportion of the country’s exports destined for the US and the eurozone has been declining.


  Many of the investment projects that featured in China’s 2008 stimulus package had been planned for some time, but were brought forward as a response to the external downturn. Existing fiscal policy initiatives are already stimulative.


  According to the 12th five-year plan, China will invest as much as Rmb7,000bn in the construction of urban public facilities over the next five years. With the risk of a double dip rising, the central government would most likely focus on ensuring sufficient financing for existing investment projects before contemplating a second major stimulus package.


  This is especially likely at a time when policymakers are focused on containing the risks associated with local government debt and an imbalanced property market, both issues that were aggravated by the last stimulus campaign.


  A second large stimulus programme would exacerbate these risks and intensify the imbalances that the government is trying to curb during the 12th five-year plan. After last month’s train collision in eastern China, it also appears that authorities have been reconsidering the pace of the nation’s infrastructure development.


  With China’s fiscal manoeuvrability somewhat constrained, the more constructive approach to meeting some of the challenges is to accelerate reforms that aim to stimulate domestic consumption.


  Many pro-consumption initiatives have been introduced, including an undertaking to increase the availability of affordable housing, healthcare reforms to make basic services and drugs more accessible, and an increase in the personal income tax threshold. These and other initiatives will liberate a greater portion of disposable income.

  中国已经推出了许多旨在促进消费的举措,其中包括采取措施提高廉价住房供应量,开展医疗改革、使得基本服务和药物更容易获得,以及提高个人所得税起征点。以上种种举措,连同其他做法,将释放出更大比例的可支配收入。A more aggressive way of unlocking consumer spending would be to resume the process of interest rate reform. Strict controls over interest rates have pushed real savings growth into negative territory, forcing the average citizen to seek out alternative – riskier – means of preserving wealth, which in turn discourages spending, since personal net worth has become more volatile.


  To support growth without stoking inflation, China’s policymakers may also aim to improve the allocation of capital to the more efficient private sector.


  At the corporate level, capital has historically been allocated inefficiently, with an imbalance in access to credit, i.e. large state-owned enterprises have the clout to obtain more favourable interest rates and terms whereas private companies – which account for 80 per cent of employment in China and 60 per cent of gross domestic product – lack the bargaining power to access cheaper bank credit.


  There are signs that efforts to optimise the loan structure are having some effect. According to the People’s Bank of China, outstanding loans to small and medium-sized enterprises grew by 29.3 per cent and 17.8 per cent respectively last year, much faster than to large companies. The government has also differentiated reserve requirements for rural credit co-operatives and announced trial plans for SMEs to issue bonds in private placements.


  As China’s banks unleashed a flood of credit to stimulate the economy, an 87 per cent expansion in M2 money supply since January 2008 has given rise to stubborn inflation, which has been exacerbated by food supply disruptions and rising commodity prices.


  Since the government is concerned that inflation could undermine social stability, we do not think policymakers will be inclined to let loose another torrent of credit, though there will be greater leeway to ease policy once inflation is seen to be under control.


  Officials have indicated that they might resort to a form of “targeted easing”, meaning monetary policy could remain prudent in the second half but preferential credit terms would be available to projects relating to affordable housing, rural development and small businesses.


  Continued government advocacy for socially important infrastructure will support demand for construction and building materials, while increasing purchasing power will boost household consumption.


  Jing Ulrich is managing director and chairman of global markets, China at JPMorgan

  作者李晶(Jing Ulrich)是摩根大通(JPMorgan)中国董事总经理兼中国市场主席

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