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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/08/26 09:55:11  字体:

  The U.S. Defense Department released a long-awaited report on China's military power Wednesday, after a year of new weapons breakthroughs by Beijing.


  In some respects, the report is a reprise of previous assessments by the U.S. military. But it puts new focus on China's maritime ambitions: The document includes a special section on China's interest in projecting naval power well beyond its territorial waters.


  While China's navy “retains a decidedly regional focus,” the report says Chinese warships “will play a growing role in protecting China's far-flung interests.”


  Earlier this month, China sent its first aircraft carrier on sea trials, a move that advertised Beijing's ambitions to become a global naval power. Although the carrier, which is based on an empty hull bought from Ukraine, doesn't yet have aircraft, the Pentagon report says it “will likely serve initially as a training-and-evaluation platform.”


  And as early as this year, the report adds, “China could begin construction of a fully indigenous carrier… which could achieve operational capability after 2015.”


  The U.S. Defense Department is required by law to deliver an annual assessment to Congress of China's military capabilities. This year's report, however, follows a series of military breakthroughs, including the unveiling this year of the J-20, China's stealth-jet prototype.


  The J-20, the report states, “highlights China's ambition to produce a fighter aircraft that incorporates stealth attributes, advanced avionics, and super-cruise capable engines over the next several years.”


  Weapons such as the J-20 and longer-range ballistic missiles, it adds, ”could improve the PLA's [People's Liberation Army] ability to strike regional air bases, logistical facilities, and other ground-based infrastructure.“


  Previous reports have focused on what the U.S. military terms China's “anti-access” capabilities, weapons meant to prevent U.S. naval vessels from operating in international waters near China. This year's report also notes China's interest in developing cyberwarfare capabilities.


  The report, which is due in March, was delayed for several months while various government agencies reviewed the document. On Monday, Rep. Randy Forbes (R., Va.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee and co-chairman of the Congressional China Caucus, sent a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta chiding the Pentagon for missing its deadline.

  这份报告本该今年3月发布,但因经过各个政府部门的评估,便耽搁了几个月。周一,来自弗吉尼亚州的国会众议员福布斯(Randy Forbes)致信美国国防部长帕内塔(Leon Panetta),指责五角大楼不按时完成报告。福布斯是美国众议院军事委员会(House Armed Services Committee)成员,同时也是美国国会“中国连线”(Congressional China Caucus)的联席主席。

  Delays in the release of the document aren't unusual. June Teufel Dreyer, a University of Miami professor and China military expert, said such delays have in the past been a reflection of internal differences of opinion within the national-security community.

  中国军力报告的发布延迟并非罕事。迈阿密大学(University of Miami)教授、中国军事专家德雷耶(June Teufel Dreyer)说,以前该报告若延迟发布,就说明美国国家安全人士出现了内部的意见不合。

  “The later it comes out, the more it is a barometer of the arguments going in the coordination process,” she said.


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