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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/09/26 10:51:59  字体:













  In Hollywood, the romantic comedy is well into humdrum middle age. But in China, the genre is still in its honeymoon phase. 


  Rom-coms have been growing in popularity in China in recent years as audiences' tastes change and the mainland movie industry develops. Those tapping the trend include co-directors Tony Chan (陈国辉) and Wing Shya (夏永康), who scored a hit last year with “Hot Summer Days” (全城热恋热辣辣). The movie wove multiple stories and blended big-name stars with a snappy script and playful visual effects. It earned 128.3 million yuan (US$20 million) at the box office ─ on a budget of US$2 million ─ according to media-research firm EntGroup Inc.

  近年来,随着观众欣赏品味的改变和大陆电影行业的发展,浪漫喜剧在中国越来越受欢迎。趁着这一趋势,去年由陈国辉和夏永康二人联合执导的《全城热恋》去年获得了极大的成功。这部电影讲述了多个故事,融大牌明星和时兴的剧本、幽默的视觉效果于一炉。据媒体据媒体调研公司艺恩咨询(EntGroup Inc.)透露,这部电影以200万美元的预算创造了12,830万元(相当于2,000万美元)的票房。

  “At that time it was pretty new in China. A modern love story, creative ideas, a lot of movie stars,” Mr. Chan says.


  The duo's latest film follows the winning formula. “Love in Space” (全球热恋) is a star-studded comedy about the romantic adventures of three sisters. (One storyline is set in a space station, hence the film's title.) The movie had a budget of US$6-7 million ─ triple the budget of their previous film and high by Chinese standards for a romantic comedy. It stars A-listers from across east Asia: Aaron Kwok, René Liu (刘若英), Eason Chan (陈奕迅), Kwai Lun Mei (桂纶镁), Angelababy (杨颍), Jing Boran (井柏然) and Xu Fan (徐帆).


  The film is a co-production between Fox International Productions and Huayi Brothers, together with Sundream Motion Pictures (Hong Kong). Fox is owned by News Corp., which publishes The Wall Street Journal. It's currently playing in China and other parts of Asia. Messrs. Chan and Shya met several years ago on the set of 'Blood Brothers' ─ a movie produced in their native Hong Kong. Both studied film in North America before returning to Asia. They are now collaborating on two new projects: a contemporary action movie and period martial-arts film. They spoke with the Journal.

  这部影片由福克斯国际制作公司(Fox International Productions)、华谊兄弟(Huayi Brothers)、骄阳电影有限公司(香港)联合制作。福克斯的东家是新闻集团(News Corp.),而新闻集团是《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的出版方。这部电影目前正在中国和亚洲其他国家放映。几年前,陈国辉和夏永康在《天堂口》(一部在香港本土拍摄的电影)的拍摄现场初次相见。两人在回亚洲发展之前都曾在北美学习电影。目前,二人正在合作推出两部新电影──一部当代动作片和一部古装武打电影。他们接受了《华尔街日报》记者的采访。

  The Wall Street Journal: Are big-name stars essential for comedies?


  Mr. Chan: In Asia, it's really important. It's a very movie-star driven [environment]. To get people into the theater you almost need a superstar, unless you're a big Hollywood, special-effects movie. If you don't have a movie star to draw them in the first weekend, then how do you open a film?


  WSJ: Does the setting for the new film have anything to do with China's growing presence in space exploration?


  Mr. Chan: No. Seven or eight years ago, this idea just popped into my head: a zero-gravity love story and an image of a female character crying and the tears floating across the air to a man's face. It just stuck in my head.


  WSJ: Does your background in commercials and photography give you a unique perspective in films?


  Mr. Shya: It helps. I worked as a photographer for 20 years, so I am really into these kind of visuals. And it's a benefit working in commercials for so many years. I know how to do the lighting, the styling, the art direction, setting ─ everything. I worked with Wong Kar-wai and his art director, William Cheung. I learned from these masters ─ how they put the visuals together.


  WSJ: What are the challenges?


  Mr. Shya: Sometimes I see photographers turn to movie directing, and there are always too many visuals that don't fit the story. You don't understand what is going on in the film, even if the visuals are amazing. I don't want to do that. I want people to focus on the movie ─ it's from the story that we create the visual world.


  WSJ: How do you divide directing duties?


  Mr. Chan: We talk about a lot before shooting. We find the tone for the story, and we talk about what kind of film we want to make. During the shooting it's more like execution: I talk with the actors lot, and Wing will do a lot with the director of photography, lighting, art direction, costumes, makeup, camera movement.


  Mr. Shya: When we have a problem, we share everything.


  WSJ: How crucial is the opening weekend?


  Mr. Chan: It's unlike the U.S., where a film with really good word of mouth can gradually open up. In China, they look at the first three days' ─ the first weekend's ─ box office. If the box office is average, they will drop the number of screenings immediately.


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