
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育

安卓版本:8.7.70 苹果版本:8.7.70






来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/09 15:53:53  字体:













  China celebrated its bullet trains as the home-grown pride of a nation: a rail system faster and more advanced than any other, showcasing superior Chinese technology.


  However, China's high-speed rail network was in fact built with imported components -- including signaling-system parts designed to prevent train collisions -- that local engineers couldn't fully understand, according to a review of corporate documents and interviews with more than a dozen rail executives inside and outside China.


  During a late July lightning storm, two of China's bullet trains collided in the eastern city of Wenzhou, killing 40 people and injuring nearly 200 in one of the world's worst high-speed passenger-rail accidents. China's government initially blamed flawed signaling and human error. It recently postponed public release of its crash findings.


  The precise cause of the disaster remains uncertain, so there is no way to know what role, if any, the signaling assembly may have played.


  An examination of China's use of foreign technology in its bullet-train signal systems highlights deep international distrust over China's industrial model, including weak intellectual-property protections, which can complicate efforts to acquire state-of-the-art technology.


  Key signaling systems were assembled by Beijing-based Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd., one of the few companies China's Ministry of Railways tapped to handle such work. In some cases of the signal systems it supplied, technology branded as proprietary to Hollysys contained circuitry tailor-made by Hitachi Ltd. of Japan to Hollysys specifications, according to people familiar with the situation.

  中国高速铁路重要的信号系统由北京和利时集团(Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd.)组装。和利时集团是中国铁道部指定的少数几家负责组装这一系统的企业之一。据知情人士透露,在和利时集团提供的某些信号系统中,那些被打上了和利时专有标签的技术其实包含了日本日立公司(Hitachi Ltd.)按和利时的规格要求为其定制的电路系统。

  The problem, these people say, is that Hitachi -- fearful that Chinese technicians might reverse-engineer and steal the technology -- sold components with the inner workings concealed from Hollysys. Hitachi executives say this 'black box' design makes gear harder to copy, and also harder to understand, for instance during testing.

  上述知情人士说,问题在于日立公司向和利时出售零部件时没有透露其内部工作原理,日立公司这么做是因为他们担心中国技术人员可能会通过反向开发窃取日立的技术。日立公司高管说,这种“黑盒子”(black box)设计令其设备难以被复制,也难以被外人理解(比如在测试过程中)。

  “It's still generally a mystery how a company like Hollysys could integrate our equipment into a broader safety-signaling system without intimate knowledge of our know-how,” a senior Hitachi executive said.


  A rail signaling system is a complex assemblage of dozens of devices, circuits and software that helps train drivers and dispatchers keep everything running safely. As trains pass beacons along a route, known as 'balise modules,' information about location and speed are fed into the train-control network. According to Hollysys statements, it supplied key parts of the system including the onboard brain, the Automatic Train Protection, or ATP. Hitachi supplied Hollysys with a primary part of the ATP, according to Hitachi executives.

  相关报道铁路信号系统是将数十种设备、电路和软件集成在一起的复杂系统,它能帮助火车驾驶员和调度员保持列车的安全运行。当火车经过沿线各个“应答器传输模块”(balise modules)时,有关这列火车位置和速度的信息就会被反馈给火车控制系统。北京和利时集团的声明说,它向中国高速铁路的信号控制系统提供了关键零部件,其中包括被称作火车大脑的列车自动保护系统(Automatic Train Protection,ATP)。据日立公司高管说,日立向和利时提供了ATP系统的一种主要零部件。

  Hollysys didn't respond to requests for comment. Two days after the crash in July, Hollysys issued a statement confirming its ATP components were installed on both trains. Hollysys said its components “functioned normally and well.”


  A separate state-owned Chinese signaling company, which also works with foreign firms and supplies most of the gear to bullet-train projects, issued a statement around the same time expressing “sorrow” and pledging to accept its responsibility.


  China's high-speed railway, budgeted at close to $300 billion, already challenges the travel time of jetliners between cities like Beijing and Shanghai, which are roughly as far apart as Philadelphia and Atlanta. The trains, with advertised cruising speeds on the fastest lines topping 215 miles per hour, are said to “fly on land,” demonstrating a future where China is a recognized peer of the U.S., EU and Japan in big-ticket ingenuity. China is designing airliners to compete with Boeing Co. and nuclear reactors to challenge Toshiba Corp.'s Westinghouse Electric Co. It already exports high-speed rail equipment: This month it reached a deal to supply locomotives to the nation of Georgia.

  中国预算资金接近3,000亿美元的高速铁路在京沪等大城市之间的运行时间已经可以对空中航班构成挑战,北京到上海的距离大约相当于费城到亚特兰大的旅程。中国高速列车的巡航速度据称超过每小时350公里,堪称“陆地飞行”,它预示中国未来有望被视为美国、欧盟和日本那样能生产独创性高价产品的国家。中国正在设计能与波音公司(Boeing Co.)相竞争的民用客机,以及能对东芝公司(Toshiba Corp.)旗下西屋电气(Westinghouse Electric Co. )构成挑战的核反应堆。中国已经在出口高速铁路设备:本月它与格鲁吉亚共和国达成了向后者出口火车机车的协议。

  In less than seven years, China has built a bullet-train network larger than the ones Japan and Germany took decades to construct. China is only about halfway through a 15-year plan to build a total of nearly 10,000 miles of high-speed track connecting 24 major cities.


  “We aim at the world's top-notch technologies,” then-Railways Minister Liu Zhijun declared four years ago. A few months before the July crash, Mr. Liu was fired after China's Communist Party accused him and other top officials of unspecified corruption. Mr. Liu couldn't be located for comment.


  July's rail tragedy -- in which two bullet trains collided during a storm, sending some cars plunging 65 feet from elevated tracks -- is tarnishing China's effort to portray the project as technologically advanced and safety-minded. Among other things, the Ministry of Railways chose not to install lightning rods and surge protectors on some high-speed rail lines even as an industry association recommended doing so on major infrastructure projects, He Jinliang, director of China's National Lightning Protection Technology Standard Committee, said in July.


  The Ministry of Railways didn't respond to requests for comment. Through state media and on its website, the ministry has stressed its attention to safety. A Sept. 5 statement said, “Our cadres should be leading the work, changing their style, going to the grass-roots level and trying to solve problems.” Last week, Chinese authorities reiterated their safety pledge after two subway trains in collided in Shanghai, injuring more than 280 people, in an accident blamed on errors after a power snafu knocked out signals, according to the subway operator.


  From the initial days of the high-speed railway program, Beijing turned to local firms, including Hollysys, rather than foreign expertise. Hollysys says it is one of just two companies eligible to supply certain signaling technology for China's fastest trains. Ministry of Railways rules effectively forbid foreign companies from bidding.

  Getty Images“7•23”温州动车追尾事故现场。从高速铁路项目启动伊始,北京就把设备供应重任放在了包括和利时在内的本土企业而非外国企业肩上。和利时说,只有它和另外一家公司有资格向中国速度最快的列车提供某些信号技术。铁道部的相关规定实际上禁止外国公司竞标信号合同。

  Though new to high-speed rail, Hollysys became a central supplier of the signaling systems, circuits and software that are supposed to prevent the kind of accident that happened near Wenzhou by automatically stopping trains if trouble is detected.


  Integrating signaling components is a challenge, particularly at the pace that China was expanding its rail network, train executives say. “The problem is to put all these pieces of the puzzle into a coherent system,” says Marc Antoni, technological innovation director at SNCF, the French national railway operator, which runs the high-speed TGV.

  铁路行业的管理人士说,将铁路信号系统的各种零部件集成在一起是件很难的事,特别是以中国扩展其高速铁路网那样的高速度来完成这项工作更是难上加难。法国国家铁路运营机构SNCF的技术创新主管安东尼(Marc Antoni)说,难题在于要把那些仍不能完全明白其奥妙的零部件组合成一个可以顺畅运行的系统。SNCF是法国高铁网络TGV的运营商。

  Originally part of China's Ministry of Electronics, Hollysys in the 1990s became a privately owned business focused on “controls” -- the technology that keeps factory assembly lines humming smoothly. In a Hollysys timeline of its railway achievements, the company says it won its first noteworthy high-speed-rail signaling contracts in 2005, about when China began construction.


  A year later, in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Hollysys played down the importance of high-speed-rail signaling by describing it as “adjacent” to core operations in industrial controls. The sector was mentioned just once in a 300-plus page SEC filing in 2006, part of a successful effort by Hollysys to list its shares on Nasdaq through a special-purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, a practice that involves adoption of a current listing by another company. By late 2008 Beijing was speeding construction of its bullet trains in part to help power the Chinese economy through the global economic slump. Hollysys described itself in regulatory filings as one of just two companies that possessed “the capability” to supply the Ministry of Railways with signals on its fastest lines.


  Hollysys became a tech darling and in September 2009 its chief financial officer, Peter Li, speaking to analysts, credited the Ministry of Railways' “very clear mandate of localizing the product.” When an analyst asked whether he feared competition, Mr. Li said, “Basically, foreign players are not allowed to bid independently for high-speed-rail projects.”

  和利时此后成为中国的高科技宠儿,其首席财务长李沂宸(Peter Li)在2009年9月对分析师发表讲话时说,铁道部给和利时下达了将高铁设备国产化的“非常明确任务”。当一名分析师问他是否害怕其他企业的竞争时,李沂宸说,一般而言,外国企业不被允许独自竞标中国的高速铁路项目。

  The Ministry of Railways awarded Hollysys more than $100 million of high-speed-signaling contracts in 2010 alone, according to company statements. For the fiscal year ended this past June, Hollysys reported total revenue of $262.84 million.


  The ministry also played matchmaker for Hollysys. When a leading Italian signaling company, Ansaldo STS, sought a business foothold in China, the Ministry of Railways indicated that it should be in the form of a partnership with Hollysys, according to Ansaldo spokesman Roberto Alatri.

  铁道部还撮合了和利时与其他公司的合作。据意大利主要的信号设备公司Ansaldo STS的发言人阿拉特里(Roberto Alatri)说,当该公司在华寻找业务立足点时,铁道部暗示它应该与和利时结成合作伙伴。

  A $97 million contract followed in July 2008 for a Hollysys-Ansaldo consortium to design, build and maintain signal-control systems on China's then-fastest train line, a 459-kilometer section linking the central China cities of Zhengzhou and Xian. The Hollysys portion was $22 million.


  Hollysys had a longer relationship with Hitachi, which supplied the Chinese company components for high-speed rail signaling starting in 2005, the year Hollysys says it got its start in the business. The main cooperation was on the onboard ATP system, which Hollysys documents describe as components in the nose and tail of trains that act as its “last line of defense in safety.”


  The Hitachi-made ATP components came with a catch. Two Hitachi executives familiar with the matter said the company adopts what the industry refers to as “black box” security to conceal design secrets by withholding technical blueprints known in Japanese as zumen.


  Black boxes make it tough to reverse-engineer the equipment. They can also make it more difficult to troubleshoot the gear, according to executives of several companies familiar with the practice in China.


  “Providing zumen means. . .we completely trust the buyer of our technology,” a senior Hitachi executive said, with the understanding that the buyer “would not become a competitive threat in other markets.”


  Hitachi doesn't always withhold its design secrets. When working with companies elsewhere on a common project, the senior executive said, it will provide the zumen, or blueprints, in some cases.


  Hitachi executives say the arrangement with Hollysys wasn't a technology-transfer deal -- in which it would be expected to share technical details -- but rather a contractual arrangement to manufacture parts to specifications provided by Hollysys. Hitachi says it did provide 'limited' technical support that is typical of contracts of this type.


  A spokesman at Hitachi's headquarters in Tokyo, Atsushi Konno, said the company “has no comment about Hollysys's products, as we do not have any information as to what kind of end product Hollysys developed using our devices.” The official confirmed that Hitachi supplied Hollysys some equipment for the signaling systems used aboard trains and “also provided technical explanation regarding those components, and we believe Hollysys, as a result, fully understands them.”

  日立公司在东京总部的发言人绀野笃志(Atsushi Konno)说,该公司“对和利时集团的产品不予置评”,也无法就和利时利用日立的设备开发出何种最终产品提供任何信息。这位发言人证实日立向和利时提供了一些用于列载信号系统的设备,“也为这些零部件提供了技术解释,因此我们相信和利时完全了解这些零部件。”

  At least one installation of Hollysys components didn't go smoothly, according to one Europe-based engineer who worked on the job. An onboard Hollysys computer, part of the ATP called a driver machine interface, kept freezing, displaying old information.


  Technical bugs aren't unusual when fine-tuning a train system, but the temporary fix was, according to the engineer. To avoid the embarrassment of canceling an opening ceremony, operators decided to begin passenger service on the high-speed line and assign one person in the train's cab the exclusive task of watching that the seconds continued to scroll on the computer's clock -- thereby ensuring the device was functioning.


  “It was a random failure that was not managed very well,” the engineer said. The problem was later fixed, he said.


  Dominique Pouliquen, head of Alstom SA's China operations, said China and its rail-equipment suppliers remain in the learning stages. “You acquire the technology. Then you need to absorb it; you need to master it,” Mr. Pouliquen told a small group of reporters last week. For China, “I think it's all about absorption and fully mastering the whole technology that has been acquired over the last 10 years.”

  阿尔斯通公司(Alstom SA)中国业务负责人普利康(Dominique Pouliquen)说,中国及其铁路设备供应商仍然处于学习阶段。普利康上周对一小批记者说,获得技术之后你必须进行吸收──你需要掌握这项技术。对于中国来说,我认为所有问题在于能否吸收和完全掌握过去十年内获得的全部技术。

  Alstom supplied, through a local joint venture, hardware for train dispatchers on the line where July's collision occurred. Mr. Pouliquen said the JV didn't provide any of the signaling technology that the Chinese government has said was possibly flawed.


  In an August letter to shareholders, Hollysys Chief Executive Wang Changli cited the “tragic” Wenzhou accident and reiterated that Hollysys equipment wasn't to blame. China's biggest signaling company, Beijing-based China Railway Signal & Communication Corp., originated within China's railways bureaucracy. Shortly after the crash, a CRSC unit, Beijing National Railway Research & Design Institute of Signal and Communication, issued a statement of “sorrow” and pledged to “shoulder our responsibility.”


  CRSC hasn't commented about the accident directly, aside from a statement Aug. 23 stating that its top executive, 55-year-old Ma Cheng, collapsed and died during questioning by crash investigators.


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