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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/31 11:43:51  字体:

  In Hong Kong, men now have a mall to call their own. 


  At a runway show last week featuring actor Louis Koo, the Landmark mall's basement was refashioned into a guy-oriented shopping hub. Called Landmark Men, the 60,000 square-foot space is dedicated to menswear, grooming and gadgets, with Thomas Pink, Gucci, Valentino Men and other retailers represented.

  10月初,香港置地广场(Landmark mall)地下经过重新装修,被打造成一个男士专属购物中心,在这里举办了一场时装秀,演员古天乐(Louis Koo)也到场登台走秀。这个名为Landmark Men的购物中心占地6万平方英尺(约5600平方米),专售男装、化妆品和小物件,有Thomas Pink、古驰(Gucci)、华伦天奴男装(Valentino Men)等名品零售店进驻。

  Landmark Men is another sign of the major influence men have on Asia's luxury markets. In China, men make up nearly half of luxury purchases, and brands such as Coach and Louis Vuitton see men as a bigger share of Asian sales than in other parts of the world. Coach, for example, said earlier this year that 45% of its bags sold in China are to men.

  Landmark Men的开业再次反映出,男性对亚洲奢侈品市场有着举足轻重的影响。中国市场奢侈品近半数是男性购买的,蔻驰(Coach)、路易威登(Louis Vuitton)等品牌的亚洲市场男性群体销售额占比高于世界其他地区。以蔻驰为例,该公司今年早些时候称,中国市场有45%的手袋卖给了男性。

  While Chinese women are catching up in their luxury purchases -- and surpassed men for the first time last year -- guys are still the bigger spenders in categories such as clothes. According to Bain, men spent 7 billion yuan ($1.1 billion) on their wardrobes, far more than the 2.8 billion spent by women.


  Hongkong Land, which owns the Landmark, said it was looking to capitalize on the increasingly lucrative male shopper and came up with the idea for dedicating the space to men in early 2009.

  置地广场的业主置地公司(Hongkong Land)称,公司希望把握男士商品市场利润渐趋丰厚的先机,在2009年初决定创建专门面向男士的购物场所。

  “I think there's a unique segment of the market where men are buying for themselves. That market has always been there, but we're tapping into it,” said Raymond Chow, executive director of commercial property for Hongkong Land. “Men can now go downstairs and sort of hide.”

  置地公司商用地产业务执行董事周明祖(Raymond Chow)说,“我认为,为自己买东西的男性构成一个独特的市场群体。这个市场一直都存在,但我们现在正进行开发。”他说,“男性现在可以下楼,进入一个比较私密的空间。”

  The firm said the mall is aimed at an international clientele that includes but also goes beyond the mainland Chinese tourist shopper, which has dominated the Hong Kong retail scene lately.


  “This is for all the men who come here ─ from Hong Kong, China, the Americas, Europe ─ for their bespoke shopping,” said Mr. Chow. “We wanted to make an area that they feel is theirs.”

  周明祖说,“Landmark Men欢迎所有男性前来购买定制商品,不管他们是来自香港、中国大陆、美洲还是欧洲。我们想为他们打造一块有专属感的领地。”

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