C |
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call deposits | 通知存款 |
call loans from banks | 银行同业拆放 |
call loans to banks | 拆放银行同业 |
cancellation refunds payable to mutual loan accounts | 应付解约会金 |
capital | 资本 |
capital | 资本 |
capital surplus | 资本公债 |
capital surplus | 资本公债 |
cash | 现金 |
cash in banks | 银行存款 |
cash in remittance | 汇拨中现金 |
cash in transit | 运送中现金 |
cash in vault | 库存现金 |
cashes transferring expenses | 现金运送费 |
cashier's checks | 本行支票 |
central bank savings notes | 储蓄券 |
certificates of deposit purchased | 买入定期存单 |
certified cashier's checks | 保付支票 |
checking account deposits | 支票存款 |
checking account deposits | 本票存款 |
clients' accounts payables under forward contracts (memo accounts) | 代理期付款项 |
client's accounts receivable under forward contracts (memo account) | 代理期收款项 |
client's foreign exchange received for settlement (memo account) | 代理买入期证券 |
client's foreign exchange received for settlement (memo account) | 待办代理结汇款 |
clients' liabilities under guarantees (memo account) | 应收保证款项 |
clients' liabilities under letters of credit (memo account) | 应收信用状款 |
client's position-credit | 受托买卖货款 |
client's position-credit | 受托买卖货款 |
client's position-debit | 受托买卖借项 |
client's position-debit | 受托买卖借项 |
clients' securities deliverable under forward contracts (memo accounts) | 代理卖出期证券 |
club savings deposits | 零存整付储蓄存款 |
club trust accounts | 零存整付信托资金 |
collateral loans transferred to central bank | 央行放转融资 |
collateral securities deposited | 存出保证品 |
collaterals and residuals taken over | 承受担保品及残余物 |
collaterals received (memo account) | 保证品 |
collections for others | 应付代收款 |
commercial paper purchased | 买入商业本票 |
commercial papers payable | 应付商业本票 |
commissions expense | 佣金费用 |
commissions payable | 应付佣金 |
commissions refund for reinsurance ceded | 转再保摊回再保佣金 |
common stock | 普通股股本 |
compensation income from trust | 信托报酬收入 |
computer software cost | 计算机软件成本 |
computers and peripherals | 计算机设备 |
consignments-in (memo account) | 承销品 |
contra account-assets in mainland china and foreign countries | 抵销大陆地区及国外资产 |
contra account-contracted lines of credit (memo account) | 待抵销约定融资额度 |
contra account-liabilities in mainland china and foreign countries | 待抵销大陆地区及国外负债 |
contra account-lost assets | 待抵销报失资产 |
contra account-receivables with recourse | 待抵销追索债权 |
contracted lines of credit (memo account) | 约定融资额度 |
costs of banking and investment business | 金融保险成本 |
costs of proprietary and broking sales | 自营及委办销货成本 |
cumulative earnings on appropriated loan fund | 拨入放款基金积余 |
cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles | 会计原则变动累积影响数 |
cumulative translation adjustments | 累积换算调整数 |
cumulative translation adjustments | 累积换算调整数 |
current asserts | 流动资产 |
current liabilities | 流动负债 |
current net income after tax | 本期税后纯益 |
current portion of long-term payables | 应付到期长期负债 |
current profit / loss | 本期损益 |
custodial collections receivable (memo account) | 应收代收款(未收代收款) |
custodial collections received (memo accounts) | 受托代收款(代收款项) |
custodial liabilities | 代管负债 |
custodial premiums receivable (memo account) | 应收代收保险费 |
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