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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/29 09:53:57  字体:

  France threw its weight behind Mario Draghi as the next president of the European Central Bank, putting the Italian central banker, once seen as an underdog, within reach of one of world's top economic posts.

  法国表示支持意大利央行行长德拉吉(Mario Draghi)担任下届欧洲央行(European Central Bank)行长,从而让一度不被看好的德拉吉成为了这个世界最高经济职位的热门候选人。

  French President Nicolas Sarkozy's signal during a news conference in Rome that he would be "very happy" with Draghi at the ECB's helm came a week after German finance officials suggested they were warming to him. Now, analysts say, the one remaining hurdle between 63-year-old Draghi and the top European banking job--German Chancellor Angela Merkel--may be easier to overcome.

  Zhang Jun/Zuma Press意大利央行行长德拉吉(左,Mario Draghi)和与比利时总理兼财政和机构改革部长莱恩德斯(Didier Reynders)。法国总统萨科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)在罗马参加记者会期间表示,如果德拉吉担任欧洲央行最高职位,他会“非常高兴”。德国财政官员一周前曾暗示他们开始看好德拉吉。现在,分析人士说,63岁的德拉吉和欧洲央行最高职位之间的唯一的障碍来自德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel),这一点可能更容易克服了。

  Draghi's candidacy has become embroiled in German politics, as Merkel will have to sell any ECB candidate to lawmakers in her center-right coalition. Some of them are unhappy with her handling of the euro-zone debt crisis; others fear naming an ECB head from a country with high public debt would send the wrong signal as Europe tries to improve its financial discipline.


  Sarkozy's public show of support makes it harder for Merkel to demur. The German chancellor now faces a choice between picking a fight with France, her most important partner in the European Union, over the ECB job, and confronting the doubts among her parliamentary backbenchers.


  As recently as February, the front-runner to succeed Trichet was German central banker Axel Weber. But his surprise resignation left Germany without an internal candidate, while France appeared to breathe a sigh of relief that a banker who had often proven a divisive force within the ECB's executive board had left the race.

  早在2月,最有希望接替特里谢(Trichet)的人选是德国央行行长韦伯(Axel Weber)。但他的意外辞职导致德国丧失了内部候选人,而法国则似乎松了口气,庆幸欧洲央行董事会中经常被证明是分裂力量的这位行长退出了竞争。

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