Wen Jiabao, Chinese premier, has called on debt-laden European countries to put their “own houses in order” before asking China for a bail-out, in a sign of Beijing’s reluctance to be cast as saviour of the global economy.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China, Mr Wen publicly linked Chinese investments for the first time with long-standing political demands, indicating a possible hardening of Beijing’s position towards crisis-hit Europe. “Developed countries must undertake responsible fiscal and monetary policies,” he said. “What is most important now is to prevent further spread of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.”
温家宝在中国大连世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上发表讲话时,首次公开地将中国的投资与长期存在的政治需求挂钩,表明北京对深陷危机的欧洲的态度可能会变得强硬起来。“主要发达经济体要采取负责任、起作用的财政、货币政策。“他表示。“现在值得注意的是,要防止(欧洲)主权债务危机的蔓延和扩大。”
The debt woes of peripheral European countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland have spread in recent months to the larger economies of Spain and Italy, leading many to question whether the single European currency will survive in its current form. The markets suggest a default by Greece is inevitable and the continent could easily slip back into recession.
European countries battling sovereign debt crises have been lobbying China to use some of its $3,200bn in foreign exchange reserves to buy their bonds, something that Beijing appears increasingly reluctant to do.
The?FT?reported this week that Italian officials had met managers of the reserves and proposed big increases in Chinese purchases of Italian bonds . But there has been no sign that Beijing is willing to step in as the buyer of last resort for unwanted Italian debt, or make positive comments as Chinese leaders have done about Greek, Portuguese and Spanish debt. Analysts and EU officials say expressions of confidence in these countries’ solvency do not appear to have been matched by large-scale bond purchases.
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