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安卓版本:8.7.71 苹果版本:8.7.71






来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/10 18:03:38  字体:













  Steve Jobs rarely visited Asia but his decisions not only transformed the products that people bought but also the shape of the technology business across the region.

  史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)很少访问亚洲,但他的决定不仅改变了人们购买的产品,也改变了整个亚洲地区科技业的形态。

  Following Mr. Jobs's death early Thursday Asia time, the tributes that poured from the offices of senior executives in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan reflected chiefly on his accomplishments as an innovator of products.


  But a few also noted the impact that Mr. Jobs and Apple Inc. had on the making of electronics products and the boost he gave to them. By hiring more and more companies in Asia to build Apple's goods, Apple created tens of thousands of jobs in the region and lifted the fortunes of little-known companies that became Apple's partners. By focusing on simple, accessible design, Mr. Jobs inspired companies in industries as diverse as retailing and auto manufacturing to do the same. In an interview earlier this year, Hyundai Motor Co. Chief Executive Steve Yang, who retired last week, attributed the company's focus on design and brand-building to Apple.

  但也有一些企业高管指出乔布斯和苹果公司(Apple Inc.)对电子产品制造的影响以及乔布斯给电子产品带来的提升。通过在亚洲雇用越来越多的企业为苹果公司制造产品,苹果在这一地区创造了大量工作机会,也提升了成为苹果合作伙伴的那些原本并不知名的企业的命运。通过关注简单便捷的设计,乔布斯启发了零售业和汽车制造业等众多行业的公司,让这些公司也同样致力于此。今年初接受采访时,时任现代汽车公司(Hyundai Motor Co.)首席执行长(CEO)的Steve Yang(已于上周请辞)将该公司对设计和品牌建设的关注归功于苹果公司。

  And by breaking the grip cellphone service providers had on content, Mr. Jobs opened the door for software developers in Asia and the rest of the world to reach consumers directly.


  'It was huge change for us developers,' said Ryu Jung-won, a software engineer in Seoul who created smartphone maps of South Korea. 'It meant that if we developed a great application, more and more people could use it.'

  首尔的一位软件工程师Ryu Jung-won说,对我们软件开发人员来说,这是一个巨大的改变。这意味着如果我们开发出一款优秀的应用程序,越来越多的用户能用上这款程序。Ryu Jung-won开发了智能手机使用的韩国地图。

  Amid a broader upswing in Asian stock trading Thursday, investors around Asia bid up the stock prices of several prominent electronics firms as analysts painted Apple chiefly as a competitor to technology firms in the region rather than benefactor.


  As happened when Mr. Jobs stepped down from the CEO post at Apple in August, some analysts speculated that Apple without Mr. Jobs might not be as successful, creating opportunities for Asian firms, particularly in the cellphone market. Shares of HTC Corp., a Taiwanese cellphone maker that has been locked in a patent dispute with Apple, rose 1.6%, for instance.

  就像今年8月乔布斯请辞苹果公司CEO一职时的市场情况一样,一些分析师推测,失去了乔布斯的苹果可能不会像以前那样成功,这为亚洲企业创造了机会,尤其是在手机市场。比如。台湾手机制造商宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTC Corp.,简称:宏达国际)的股价就上涨了1.6%。宏达国际一直身陷与苹果公司的专利纠纷。

  'Jobs's demise raises uncertainties to the future innovations of Apple. The big question is whether Apple can continue living up to consumer's high expectations,' said HSBC analyst Jenny Lai.

  汇丰(HSBC)分析师赖惠娟(Jenny Lai)说,乔布斯的去世给苹果未来的创新增加了不确定性。最大的问题在于苹果能否继续满足消费者的高期望。

  Far more Asian companies benefited from Apple's place at the forefront of the manufacturing shift away from company-owned factories that became a defining trait of the region's tech scene over the past decade.


  Apple made some of its first shifts to Asian manufacturing partners during the years that Mr. Jobs was away from the company from 1985 to 1997. In the mid-1990s, for instance, Taiwan's Acer Inc. assembled Apple's notebook computers and its Newton hand-held, a forerunner of today's iPhones and iPads.

  1985年至1997年,乔布斯离开苹果的那些年间,苹果向亚洲制造业伙伴进行了第一批转移。例如在20世纪90年代中期,台湾宏?公司(Acer Inc.)为苹果组装笔记本电脑及Newton掌上电脑,后者是如今的iPhone和iPad的前身。

  But following his return, Apple placed even bigger bets on contract manufacturing and component suppliers in Asia. In 1999, it invested $100 million to help Samsung Electronics Co. build a liquid crystal display factory just when such flat screens were on the verge of going mainstream for desktop computers. It later made similar upfront investments with Samsung and another South Korean firm, Hynix Semiconductor Inc., on new memory-chip factories.

   但在乔布斯回归后,苹果加大了对亚洲的代工制造和元件供应商的押注。1999年,苹果投资1亿美元帮助三星电子公司(Samsung Electronics Co.)建立了一座液晶显示器工厂,当时这种平板显示器即将成为台式电脑的主流显示器。后来苹果还与三星及另一家韩国公司海力士半导体(Hynix Semiconductor Inc.)在建立新的记忆芯片工厂方面进行了类似的前期投资。

  'Chairman Steve Jobs introduced numerous revolutionary changes to the information-technology industry and was a great entrepreneur. His innovative spirit and remarkable accomplishments will forever be remembered by people around the world,' Samsung Chief Executive Choi Gee-sung said in a statement.

  三星首席执行长崔志成(Choi Gee-sung)在一份声明中说,苹果董事长乔布斯为信息科技行业带来了不计其数的革命性变革,是一名杰出的企业家;全世界都将永远铭记他的创新精神和卓越成就。

  In 2002, Apple set up a procurement center in Shenzhen, China, to manage what was by then an extensive supply chain in the region, with Taiwan-based firms building the vast majority of its products: Quanta Computer Inc. its notebooks, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. its desktops, and Inventec its then-new iPod digital music players.

  2002年,苹果在中国深圳建立了一个采购中心,用于管理当时该地区的一个广泛供应链,台湾的公司负责制造其绝大多数产品:广达电脑股份有限公司(Quanta Computer Inc.)制造笔记本,鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.)制造台式机,英业达公司(Inventec)制造当时最新的iPod数字音乐播放器。

  Today, Hon Hai, also known by its trade name Foxconn, is Apple's single-largest contractor and one of the largest employers in Asia. In a tribute to Mr. Jobs, the firm said, 'The global electronics industry is all the better for the many contributions he made to ensuring that technology is understandable, beautiful, and, most importantly, accessible to people from all walks of life.'


  But questions were raised about business continuity. Asian component makers are dependent on sales of Apple's products such as the iPhone and the iPad tablet computer, which has lifted demand for their components such as memory chips, flat-panel displays and touch-screen panels.


  But Ms. Lai said suppliers in Taiwan won't be affected in the near term as Apple's product road map is already set for a least one year.


  Howard Stringer, chairman, chief executive and president of Sony Corp. of Japan said: 'The digital age has lost its leading light, but Steve's innovation and creativity will inspire dreamers and thinkers for generations.'

  日本索尼公司(Sony Corp.)董事长、首席执行长及总裁斯特林格(Howard Stringer)说,数字时代失去了一位领军人物,但乔布斯的改革与创新精神将激励未来几代的梦想者与思想家。

我要纠错】 责任编辑:雨非



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