
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育

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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/10 18:00:24  字体:













  Over the past few weeks, I have delivered a number of speeches to business owners. Perhaps the most common question I’m asked by audiences is: “What makes an entrepreneur?” My typical answer is that self-confidence and self-discipline are the two most important traits.


  That is until I read a fascinating article about educating children in the New York Times (“What if the Secret to Success is Failure?” by Paul Tough). The essay postulates that the most worthwhile indicator of success at school for a child is not background or test scores but character. And the seven aspects of personality that apparently matter most are zest, grit, self-control, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism and curiosity. I realised that such a list could equally be the defining criteria for entrepreneurs.

   这是我在读到《纽约时报》(New York Times.一篇关于儿童教育的绝妙文章之前的回答。这篇文章题为《如果成功的秘诀是失败怎么办?》(What if the Secret to Success is Failure?),作者是保罗?图赫(Paul Tough)。这篇文章认为,孩子在学校最值得看重的成功标志,不是背景或考试成绩,而是性格品质。显然,最重要的七种性格品质是:有强烈的兴趣、勇敢、有自控力、社交能力强、有感恩之心、乐观和好奇心强。我意识到,这些品质也可以用作定义企业家的标准。

  Many people think character is part of one’s DNA, and not derived from experience. I disagree: as someone once said, “character is not given but earned”. An entrepreneur’s essence is revealed when their company is faced with a crisis; it is the best measure of how they will perform in the long run. As Goethe wrote: “Character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world.”


  Even though it is my firm belief that entrepreneurs are made, not born, running your own business is more of a calling than a conventional career. There is no standard training, as there is for so many other vocations, like music, art or medicine. Qualifications, family, connections – these are much less influential than the desire for independence and an appetite for adventure. “Animal spirits” – that curious phrase coined by economist John Maynard Keynes to describe a hunger for opportunity – are clearly paramount. Without that urge to seize the day, then all efforts are likely to come to nothing.

  尽管我坚信,企业家是后天造就的,而非天生的,但经营一家属于自己的公司更多是响应一种召唤,而不是从事一种循规蹈矩的职业。这条路不存在标准化的培训,像其他许多职业那样,比如音乐、艺术或者医学。职业技能、家庭背景、社会关系,这些都不如对独立和冒险的渴望来得重要。显然,“动物精神”——这个神奇的词汇出自经济学家约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes),用来描述对机会的渴求——在这里是至高无上的。如果没有那种抓住当下的紧迫感,所有努力都可能白费。

  Ambition by itself is almost irrelevant; a capacity for hard work, the courage to execute and the willingness to persevere are far more important.


  It seems there might even be a boom in Victorian values. I have just read an excellent new book called Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength. It is part self-help manual, part psychology text. Much of the advice could apply to anyone wanting to run a start-up. In some ways it is a 21st century reworking of Samuel Smiles’ great celebration of the first industrialists, Self-Help. Today there are many more temptations and distractions, and so the need for self-discipline – if one desires to lead a productive life – is perhaps greater than ever.

  维多利亚时期的价值观似乎也越来越受到重视。我刚刚读了一本极棒的新书,名为《意志力:重新发现人类最伟大的力量》(Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength)。它一部分是自助手册,一部分是心理学教科书。对任何想要创业的人来说,书中的许多建议都是适用的。在某种程度上,它是塞缪尔?斯迈尔斯(Samuel Smiles)向第一批实业家致敬之作——《自助》(Self-Help)——在21世纪的翻版。如今,人们面临更多的诱惑和干扰,因此如果一个人想要有所作为,自律或许比以往任何时候都更为重要。

  Most of the tips in the book seem to be about the vices to avoid. I have observed certain recurring weaknesses that bedevil many would-be entrepreneurs. The first is an irrational fear of failure: they cannot put the downsides of self-employment into proportion; the second is procrastination, an unwillingness to make a decision; and the third is an inability to prioritise. Overcome these common problems and one’s chances of making progress are much improved.


  The founding capitalists knew about character. J.P. Morgan, the legendary banker, was once asked “Is not commercial credit based primarily on money or property?”. He replied: “No sir, the first thing is character.”

  最早的资本家深知性格的重要性。传奇银行家J?P?摩根(J.P. Morgan)曾被问道:“商业信用难道不是以金钱或者财产为首要依据的吗?”他回答道:“不,最要紧的是性格。”

  Of course, certain features possessed by entrepreneurs would hardly appear ideal to the ancient moral philosophers. For example, those who create enterprises from nothing are by nature egotists, impressing their vision of a new undertaking upon the world. The truly humble could never carry out a task like that. And prudence is hardly an asset for those who want to make it big in capitalism – indeed the opposite is true to at least a degree. Moreover, all entrepreneurs I know are fiercely competitive – probably not a virtue, but a crucial ingredient, nevertheless.


  Most of us acknowledge that our minds and habits evolve from challenges and struggles, rather than easy wins and overindulgence. In a way, the comfort of employment, the safety of a steady job, insulates many from the inevitable hardships of a tough marketplace. Yet such protection is not altogether healthy. Threats overcome, individual victories won after real striving – these are the most rewarding experiences of work. That is surely one of the great purposes in life, and what forges one’s character.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:雨非



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