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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/21 11:47:33  字体:













  Prime Minister Vladimir Putin touted the attractiveness of investing in Russia to an audience of global chief executives Monday, boasting that he knew “the majority of you are planning to continue to boost your participation in the Russian market.”

  周一,俄罗斯总理普京(Vladimir Putin)向一群由全球各大企业的掌门人组成的听众宣传投资俄罗斯的种种魅力。普京吹说他知道“在座的大多数人打算继续加大在俄罗斯市场的投资”。

  Mr. Putin's upbeat message came as long-term investment in Russia has shown signs of picking up slightly from the lows hit in the wake of the financial crisis. Foreign direct investment, at about $7 billion in the first half of the year, is still far below the pace of 2007 and 2008, when it came in at nearly twice the speed, according to the Federal Statistics Service.

  就在普京传递这一乐观消息的同时,俄罗斯的长期投资已经展现出从金融危机之后创下的低点略微反弹的迹象。俄罗斯联邦统计局(Federal Statistics Service)的数据显示,今年上半年流入俄罗斯的外国直接投资(FDI)约为70亿美元,仍远低于2007年和2008年的水平:当时外国直接投资流入的速度几乎是这两倍。

  Still, many big companies are boosting investment in spending in Russia. Germany's Siemens AG on Monday pledged ¢3 billion ($4.17 billion) for gas and wind turbines, trains and other equipment.

  尽管如此,许多大企业正在增加在俄罗斯的投资支出。德国西门子公司(Siemens AG)周一承诺在天然气和风力涡轮机、火车和其它设备上投入30亿欧元(约合41.7亿美元)。

  “All planned projects for modernizing the economy, for raising the effectiveness of government institutes: This is one of the priorities of our work─all these tasks will be carried out one after another, without question,” Mr. Putin said.


  His audience included international corporate chiefs of Alcoa Inc., Nestle S.A. and PepsiCo. He appeared attentive to executives' remarks in a panel session, making notes to himself and responding to comments in detail.

  他的听众包括美国铝业公司(Alcoa Inc.)、雀巢公司(Nestle S.A.)和百事公司(PepsiCo.)等国际大企业的首席执行长。在小组讨论时,普京看上去在仔细听取高管的意见,并亲自做了笔记。他还具体回应了有关看法和意见。

  He began his talk with the group, the Foreign Investment Advisory Council, about 50 minutes late─an improvement over earlier this month when he appeared at a meeting with portfolio investors more than two hours behind schedule.

  他与外商投资顾问委员会(Foreign Investment Advisory Council)的谈话比原定时间晚了50分钟。不过,和本月初他迟了两个多小时才出席一场证券投资人的会议相比,这已经算是一个进步了。

  Strategic investors such as BP PLC have faced setbacks at the hands of the Kremlin and the country's billionaire tycoons, with apparently little recourse in the courtsystem, widely seen as corrupt. But in public forums, international executives have shied from strong criticism of Mr. Putin, who announced last month he plans to re-ascend to the presidency next year, cementing his formal control over the country for at least six years.

  由于克里姆林宫和俄罗斯企业界的亿万富豪的影响,像英国石油公司(BP PLC)这样的战略投资者已经遭遇了挫折。很明显,这些战略投资者无法求助于普遍认为非常腐败的俄罗斯司法系统。但在公开场合,国际企业的高管都避免强烈批评普京。普京在上个月宣布,他计划明年再次竞选总统,这样他对俄罗斯的正式控制将至少可以巩固六年。

  In a separate interview with the heads of state-run television channels Monday, Mr. Putin praised himself as the “most hardworking” Russian leader since World War II.


  James Turley, chairman and global CEO of Ernst and Young, told Mr. Putin the investment council supported his return to the presidency, though members would regret his departure from the prime minister's job. Mr. Turley, who is co-chairman of the investment council, said members would work with the next prime minister to “improve the investment climate.”

  安永会计师事务所(Ernst and Young)主席兼全球CEO特里(James Turley)告诉普京,投资委员会支持他再次竞选总统,尽管委员们对他离任总理一职感到遗憾。作为投资委员会的联合主席,特里说委员们将和下任总理一道改善投资环境。

  Other executives mainly criticized minor points of Russia's laws and bureaucracy and praised the government for some recent reforms. In Russia, businesses complain most about corruption, law-enforcement issues and problems obtaining adequate telecommunications and electricity links, said Thomos Mirow, the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

  其他企业高管主要批评了俄罗斯法律制度和官僚系统的细微缺点,并赞扬政府最近的一些改革。欧洲复兴开发银行(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)总裁米罗(Thomos Mirow)说,在俄罗斯,企业抱怨最多的问题是腐败、执法问题以及电信和电力供应的不完善。

  Nestle Chief Executive Paul Bulcke, who is overseeing expansion in southern Russia this week, hailed the high levels of access granted in Russia compared with other top emerging markets, such as Brazil, India and China.

  雀巢首席执行长保罗•薄凯(Paul Bulcke)赞扬在俄罗斯能够获得相比巴西、印度和中国等其他主要新兴市场而言高度的市场准入。薄凯本周正在视察俄罗斯南部的业务扩张工作。

  “You can speak to two ministers at the same time,” Mr. Bulcke said in an interview, gesturing toward Russian officials at a reception after the council meeting. Another advantage in Russia is consistency, Bulcke said.


  BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley said he is “rock steady” in his commitment to joint venture TNK-BP Ltd., where Soviet billionaire partners have clashed with the UK oil giant, battering its share price.

  英国石油公司首席执行长达德利(Bob Dudley)说,他对致力于合资企业TNK-BP Ltd.的承诺坚定不移。在该合资企业,俄罗斯身家数十亿美元的合作伙伴与这家英国石油巨头发生了冲突,拖累股价暴跌。

  Business leaders pointed toward continued positive economic growth at a time when some developed economies are grinding to a halt and even China is exhibiting slowing growth and barriers to business. Mr. Putin said inflation is coming down and that Russia will work toward a balanced budget, keeping government debt at current low levels and aiming for gross domestic product growth of 4% or more this year.


  “How many countries do you have where the growth is going to vary between 4% and 5%?” Alcoa Chief Executive Klaus Kleinfeld said in an interview. “Certainly a lot of things have developed toward the positive.”

  美国铝业首席执行长柯菲德(Klaus Kleinfeld)在接受采访时说,有多少个国家的经济增长能够在4%和5%之间波动?无疑很多东西都在朝着积极的一面发展。

  Global companies spooked by Russia's 7.9% economic contraction in 2009 may now be coming back to invest. Coca-Cola Co. and its bottling partner Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Co. SA last month said they would invest $3 billion in the next five years to expand in Russia.

  2009年,全球公司对俄罗斯7.9%的经济降幅感到惊恐不安,如今这些公司可能开始重回俄罗斯投资。可口可乐(Coca-Cola Co.)及其装瓶合作伙伴Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Co. SA上个月说,未来五年他们将投资30亿美元在俄罗斯扩张业务。

  PepsiCo, which, which last month said it completed the acquisition of Russian dairy producer OAO Wimm-Bill-Dann, is planning to put $1 billion into Russia over the next two years, bringing its 10-year total to $10 billion. Russia is now PepsiCo's biggest market after the U.S.

  百事公司上个月说,完成了对俄罗斯乳制品生产商OAO Wimm-Bill-Dann的收购。该公司正计划在未来两年向俄罗斯投资10亿美元,将10年的总投资额增加到100亿美元。俄罗斯目前是百事公司仅次于美国的第二大市场。

  “Surprisingly, we view Russia's volatility as less than other emerging markets,” Chief Executive Indra Nooyi said Monday, adding that she met with Mr. Putin before the acquisition and sees the government as “friendly.”

  百事公司首席执行长卢英德(Indra Nooyi)周一说,出人意料的是,我们认为俄罗斯的动荡没有其他新兴市场严重。她还说,她在收购交易前与普京会过面,认为俄罗斯政府是友好的。

  “The politics of Russia is not what worries us. We worry about whether the leaders are friendly toward investment,” she said. “Over the last few decades, the leadership has been very friendly to PepsiCo.”


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