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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/21 11:45:54  字体:

  China’s largest rare earths producer, Baotou, has suspended production for one month in an effort to prop up falling prices, in the clearest signal yet that Chinese producers are intent on supporting prices at high levels.

  中国最大的稀土生产商包钢稀土(Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth)宣布停产一个月,以支撑不断下降的稀土价格,这是迄今最为清晰的信号,表明中国矿商意图维持稀土的高价。

  China is the world’s biggest producer of rare earths, but tightening government controls and stockpiling has sent rare earths prices rocketing this year, with prices for some minerals increasing more than eight times during the first half of the year.


  Rare earths prices have been sliding since their peak in July, but the slide has accelerated during the past week. Neodymium, which is used in magnets, has fallen 9 per cent, while Lanthanum, which is used in fuel catalytic converters, has fallen 12 per cent, according to prices from Shanghai Metals Market.

  稀土价格在7月见顶之后就一直在下滑,但在过去一周下滑势头出现加速。根据上海有色网(Shanghai Metals Market)的价格数据,用于磁体的钕的价格下降了9%,用于燃料催化转换器的镧的价格下降了12%。

  Baotou’s move suggests that Chinese efforts to control rare earths prices could be greater than previously thought. Traders have complained since last year that Chinese customs officials were forcing contracts to be rewritten to conform with a “secret list” of acceptably high rare earths prices, but that had less influence on the market during a time when prices were uniformly going up.


  After cutting export quotas last year, Beijing has this year focused on cleaning up the rare earths industry at the source, closing illegal mines and processing centres that were previously sources of pollution. Those in the industry believe that the rare earths reforms have also been aimed at increasing state control over the previously fragmented sector. In May, the government announced that three state-owned groups would take the lead in reshaping the industry in the fragmented southern sector.


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