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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/07/12 15:22:58  字体:













  The traditional Chinese rice porridge, called congee, will soon become a staple of hotel breakfast buffets in America and abroad as U.S.-based hotel chains compete for growing numbers of Chinese travelers.


  The Chinese dish is part of a set of broader initiatives to attract Chinese travelers at hotel giants Hilton Worldwide Inc. and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide. This summer, both hotel companies are rolling out hospitality standards centered on items that cater to Chinese guests in hotels across the world.

  Hilton Worldwide位于旧金山金融区的希尔顿酒店提供包括早餐粥在内的一系列中式服务。美国酒店业巨头希尔顿(Hilton Worldwide Inc.)和喜达屋(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide)为吸引中国游客推出了一系列措施,提供中餐服务是其中的一部分。今年夏天,这两家公司将围绕专门迎合中国游客的服务内容制定相关接待标准。

  Starwood plans to announce a program Monday called "Starwood Personalized Travel," which will require the company's 1,051 hotels -- including the Sheratons, Westin and W chains -- to offer a set of specific services for Chinese travelers, including in-room tea kettles, slippers and translation services, in addition to new menu items.


  The program will start at 19 hotels in cities such as New York, London, Mexico City, Seoul and San Francisco, where Chinese business is rapidly growing. The program will cover all Starwood hotels by the end of next year, the company said.


  Hilton on Monday plans to announce a program for its Hilton Hotels brand called 'Hilton Huanying' -- from the Chinese word for 'welcome.' Hilton hotels can opt into the program. Those that do -- 30 so far -- must provide a front desk worker fluent in Mandarin and a Chinese television station, as well as a full Chinese breakfast including dim sum, congee and fried dough fritters, among other items. It will begin in August.


  "Chinese travel is going to provide one of the great opportunities that we'll ever see in the business," said Hilton Chief Executive Chris Nassetta.

  希尔顿的首席执行长纳赛塔(Chris Nassetta)说,中国人的旅行需求将为酒店业提供其有史以来最大的商机之一。

  Marriott International Inc., meanwhile, is planning a new Chinese breakfast program in the U.S. this fall that will include information for hotels on how to create a Chinese breakfast.

  与此同时,另一家酒店业巨头万豪国际集团(Marriott International Inc.)正计划今天秋天在美国推出一个新的中式早餐项目,其内容包括向旗下酒店提供如何做中式早餐的信息。

  Chinese foreign travel is still a small segment of overall global travel. But these moves by hotel companies signal the growing importance that Chinese travelers are expected to have in the coming years for the travel industry. They reflect both the leap in China's economy and the loosening of restrictions on travel since as recently as a decade ago, when Chinese were not allowed by their government to visit most countries.


  "Outbound travel from Chinese is the next wave," said Starwood CEO Frits van Paasschen.

  喜达屋首席执行长范帕萨岑(Frits van Paasschen)说,接下来将出现中国人赴海外旅游的热潮。

  The changes in part follow a script from the 1980s. As Japan's economy boomed, hotels in many cities in the U.S. and around the world added Japanese breakfast items such as rice, dried seaweed, pickled vegetables and miso soup to their menus.


  The Starwood and Hilton Chinese programs are more formal and reach across their portfolio of hotels. Attracting the new travelers is also urgent priority as growth in travel dollars from many markets softens.


  Global hotel brands have seen significant pick-up this year following deep declines during the downturn. However the boost has been far greater in Asia than other regions, reflecting in large part the growth of travel among Chinese.


  In the first quarter of 2011, for example, Marriott saw revenue per available room in Asia increase 17.2% compared to 5.8% in North America.


  According to the U.S. Travel Association, 802,000 mainland Chinese residents visited the U.S. in 2010, a 53% increase over the prior year. In 2005 just 270,000 Chinese people visited the U.S. The Department of Commerce expects those numbers to reach 994,000 in 2011. The U.S. received $5 billion from Chinese visitors, according to the Association, a 40% increase over 2009.

  据美国旅游协会(U.S. Travel Association)透露,2010年,共有80.2万中国内地居民到访美国,较上年同期增加53%。在2005年这一数字还只有27万。美国商务部预计2011年这一数字将上升到99.4万人。美国旅游协会说,美国从中国游客身上获得了50亿美元的收入,较2009年增加了40%。

  Japanese visitation in 2010 was much larger -- around 3.1 million. Yet the trends are divergent. From 2006 through 2009 travel from Japan declined each year, finally in 2009 reaching the lowest point since 1988, according to the Travel Association.


  After Starwood executives noticed an enormous recent jump in the number of Chinese subscribing to Starwood's loyalty program, a team led by Matt Gaghen, Starwood's vice president of brand management, spent the last year researching the Chinese market and discovered that language and food were two of the most important issues for Chinese travelers.

  喜达屋的高层管理人员在注意到申请喜达屋常客计划的中国客人的数量最近出现激增之后,该集团负责品牌管理的副总裁嘉庚(Matt Gaghen)领导的一个团队在去年全年专门研究了中国市场,他们发现服务语言和酒店膳食是中国游客选择酒店时最重要的两个因素。

  As such, all Starwood hotels are to beginning efforts to hire at least one person on staff who speaks a Chinese language. Chinese guests will receive a note from the general manager translated into Chinese that offers the amenities available to them, such as tea kettles, razors, toothbrushes and combs.


  Since Starwood generally doesn't own hotels but sets standards for them, the changes could mean a cost increase for hotel owners in some places that don't yet see many Chinese travelers.


  "We're planning and investing in this to get ahead and to appeal to Chinese at the outset," Mr. Gaghen said.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:梓墨



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